
Past research has linked the development of borderline personality disorder to earlier exposure to violence. However, the causal link by which this relationship exists has not yet been fully identified. The present study sought to examine how exposure to violence predicted heterogeneity in the development of depressive systems and results in the arousal of borderline personality disorder symptoms in adulthood. The Pathways to Desistance data were used in the analyses. This data set consisted of the responses of 1354 juvenile offenders followed across 7 years. Group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify latent trajectories of depressive symptoms. Ordinary least squares regression was used to model covariate effects on borderline personality disorder symptoms in adulthood. Results indicated that a three-group depression trajectory model best fit the data. Direct victimization early in life was associated with increased borderline personality disorder symptoms in adulthood. When trajectory group assignment was accounted for in the model, the relationship between direct victimization and borderline personality disorder symptoms was attenuated by around 30%. Implications are discussed.

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