
In order to measure the potential in Large Helical Device (LHD), we have been developing a heavy ion beam probe (HIBP). For probing beam, gold beam is used, which is accelerated by a tandem accelerator up to the energy of 6 MeV. The experiments for calibration of beam orbit were done, and experimental results were compared with orbit calculations. The experimental results coincided fairly with the calculation results. After the calibration of the beam orbit, the potential in plasma was tried to measure with the HIBP. The experimental data showed positive potential in a neutral beam heating phase on the condition of ne ∼ 5 × 1018 m-3, and the increase of potential was observed when the additional electron cyclotron heating was applied to this plasma. The time constant for this increase was about a few tens ms, which was larger than a theoretical expectation. In the spatial position of sample volume, we might have an ambiguity in this experiment.

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