
Resume Production of channel catfish (Icta1uru.c yunctutus), the most widely cultured foodfish in the United States, is confined for the most part to the southern states. The states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi account for more than 95%' of total commercial production and processing. Mississippi accounts for more production and processing than the rest of the United States combined. Channel catfish are native to the United States. However, the farm-raised catfish, proccssed into many different consumer products, is considered to be a newly devcloped fish for marketing purposes. Production methods include intensive tank culture, raceway culture, and open pond systems. The open pond method accounts for almost al1 of the commercial production because it is more profitable. The other mcthods usually represent spccial situations as opposed to general cost effective systems. The culture of catfish in North America attained industry status in 1974 as production methods were adopted to provide fish for processing throughout the year. This devclopment enhanced market development and tremendously contributed tu the growth of the industry ovcr the past 20 years. The industry is still in its infancy and shows much potential for continued growth in the United States. This potential is based upon the following: products from farm-raised catfish are widely accepted by consumers; the resources required are available for expansion on an economically efficient basis; and institutional support in terms of research, education, and market development is available to the industry.

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