
安全で快適な戸建住宅ストック形成には, 住宅所有者が自宅の現状を知り, 積極的に住宅管理に係わるように導く必要がある.本研究の目的は, 活発な戸建中古住宅市場が存在する豪州で, 近年急速に普及している購入前住宅検査が, その重要な機会になっていると考え, 1)その実態を明らかにし, 2)この検査が戸建持家所有者の住宅管理行為の推進に果たす役割を明確にすることである.研究方法は, 1997年と1998年にクイーンズランド州ブリスベン市を中心に実施した多角的な調査結果と収集資料により考察する.結論として, この検査は, 1)住宅購入者の自己責任に基づく意思決定を支える情報開示の手段であり, 2)その建物の不具合箇所を明らかにする機会であり, 3)購入後の住宅管理計画をたてる際の重要な参考資料となり, 中古住宅購入者保護と購入後の住宅保全に役立つ仕組みである. In order to assure a supply of safe and comfortable detached houses, it is necessary to encourage the owners of detached houses to become more actively involved in house maintenance by helping understand the true condition of their houses. The purpose of this study was to clarify 1) the state of the pre-purchase home inspection system which has been quickly gaining popularity in Australia in recent years, and 2) the role played by this system in promoting house maintenance activities by homeowners. The research method consisted of analyzing the results of studies and surveys made from many angles in and around Brisbane, Australia, and the relevant reference materials. We concluded that this inspection system provides 1) a means for disclosing information that supports the prospective buyer's decision-making process, 2) an opportunity to clarify any defects in the house, and 3) important reference materials for working out a post-purchase maintenance and management plan. Therefore it is a system that protects the buyers of used houses and promotes suitable post-purchase home maintenance.

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