
There is broad consensus internationally that surveillance of the levels of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurring in various systems underpins strategies to address the issue. The key reasons for surveillance of resistance are to determine (i) the size of the problem, (ii) whether resistance is increasing, (iii) whether previously unknown types of resistance are emerging, (iv) whether a particular type of resistance is spreading, and (v) whether a particular type of resistance is associated with a particular outbreak. The implications of acquiring and utilizing this information need to be considered in the design of a surveillance system. AMR surveillance provides a foundation for assessing the burden of AMR and for providing the necessary evidence for developing efficient and effective control and prevention strategies. The codevelopment of AMR surveillance programs in humans and animals is essential, but there remain several key elements that make data comparisons between AMR monitoring programs, and between regions, difficult. Currently, AMR surveillance relies on uncomplicated in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility methods. However, the lack of harmonization across programs and the limitation of genetic information of AMR remain the major drawbacks of these phenotypic methods. The future of AMR surveillance is moving toward genotypic detection, and molecular analysis methods are expected to yield a wealth of information. However, the expectation that these molecular techniques will surpass phenotypic susceptibility testing in routine diagnosis and monitoring of AMR remains a distant reality, and phenotypic testing remains necessary in the detection of emerging resistant bacteria, new resistance mechanisms, and trends of AMR.

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