
Allantoic and amniotic fluids were collected on Days 60 (n = 3), 100 (n = 4), and 140 (n = 3) of pregnancy. The presence of uterine milk proteins (UTM-proteins) in these samples was evaluated by Ouchterlony immunodiffusion and enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA). Eight of ten samples of allantoic fluid and three of ten samples of amniotic fluid produced one or two immunoprecipitin bands against antiserum to UTM-proteins. Each band fused with immunoprecipitin bands from UTM-proteins purified from uterine fluid. Data from a semi-quantitative ELISA indicated that allantoic fluid from all ewes and amniotic fluid from six of ten ewes contained immunoreactive UTM-proteins. Concentrations of UTM-proteins in these fluids were not statistically affected by day of gestation (p greater than 0.10), but tended to decline as gestation advanced. Greater concentrations of UTM-proteins were detected in allantoic fluid than in amniotic fluid (p less than 0.05). The physical characteristics of the immunoreactive material in allantoic and amniotic fluids were examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. The immunoreactive material was found to possess pIs and molecular weights identical to UTM-proteins. These results indicate that fetal fluids contain material that reacts with antiserum to UTM-proteins and has physical properties similar to UTM-proteins. It is likely, therefore, that the UTM-proteins are transported across the placenta during gestation, perhaps to serve some function in the fetal compartment.

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