
1. Three identifiable giant neurons, which were morphologically and pharmacologically identical, named TAN (tonically autoactive neuron). TAN-2 and TAN-3, were found in line on the dorsal surface of the right parietal ganglion in the suboesophageal ganglia of an African giant snail ( Achatina fulica Férussac). 2. The diameters of these neurons were 150–200 μm. They showed regular spontaneous spike discharges at the rate of 30–40 per min. However, the spike discharges of the three neurons were not synchronized. 3. For morphological studies of these neurons, Lucifer Yellow was injected into their somata by pressure. The axonal branches of the three neurons examined extended commonly into the following seven peripheral nerves: left anterior pallial, left posterior pallial, intestinal, anal, right posterior pallial, right anterior pallial and right anterior pallial accessory nerves. 4. The sensitivities of the three neurons examined to the main neurotransmitter candidates and their derivatives were almost identical. These neurons were excited by 5-hydroxytryptaminc [the minimum effective concentration (MEC): 10 −510 −4 M] and histamine (MEC: 1−3 × 10 −4M), and inhibited by dopamine (MEC: 1–3× 10 −4 M), l-norepinephrine (MEC: 3× 10 −4 −10 −3M). l-epinephrine (MEC: 3 × 10 −4M), GABA (MEC: 10 −5−10 −4). acetylcholine (MEC: 1−3 × 10 −4M) and its derivatives.

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