
The posterior hypothalamus of cats anaesthetized with pentobarbital sodium was superfused and electrically stimulated with a push-pull cannula. Superfusion of the hypothalamus with (+/-)-, (-)-propranolol, sotalol, practolol or metoprolol caused a concentration-dependent inhibiton of the pressor response to hypothalamic stimulation. (+/-)-Propranolol and a procaine concentration equi-anaesthetic to the concentration of (+/-)- and (-)-propranolol were ineffective. Lower concentrations of propranolol and metoprolol were needed to inhibit the pressor response than of sotalol or practolol. Superfusion with practolol and tolazoline impaired the pressor response to a greater extent than did superfusion with each of the drugs alone. Hypothalamic superfusion with isoproterenol elicited a concentration-dependent enhancement of the rise of blood pressure during electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus. It is concluded that beta-adrenorecptors are present in the posterior hypothalamus and that they are involved in the pressor response elicited by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus. Propranolol and metoprolol seemed to possess a higher affinity to the beta-receptors of the hypothalamus than sotalol or practolol.

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