
Ectomycorrhizas (EcM) and arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) were screened for in saplings of 14 EcM tree species from the N'Dupe and Korup National Park rainforests, SW Cameroon, belonging to Caesalpiniaceae and Uapacaceae. The pattern of EcM and AM colonisation of a dual mycorrhizal species from this rainforest (Uapaca staudtii, Uapacaceae) was compared with dual EcM/AM colonisation of Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae) from New Zealand. Both species were collected in a range of habitats. EcM and AM colonisation differed among species in the Korup National Park rainforest: 12 species belonging to the Caesalpiniaceae (Amherstieae) were consistently EcM, and AM structures occurred occasionally in six of them; two other species belonging to Caesalpiniaceae (Afzelia bipindensis) and Uapacaceae (U. staudtii) were dual mycorrhizal with variable levels of colonisation by both EcM and AM fungi. EcM and AM dual colonisation varied with both habitat and identity of the partners. The presence of EcM fungi in most of the root samples of U. staudtii and a negative relationship between AM and EcM colonisation within the same root system suggested a greater EcM affinity of this species. In contrast, most root samples of L. scoparium were colonised by AM, but only a few by EcM. Genuine dual EcM/AM associations in root samples of U.staudtii where the two mycorrhizal types co-occurred could be attributed to an AM-EcM succession. However, differences between predicted and observed frequencies of genuine dual EcM/AM associations in several samples of both U. staudtii and L. scoparium indicated that other factors influenced dual EcM/AM associations. The results of this study showed the importance of the identity of the host species in determining the pattern of dual EcM and AM colonisation.

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