
A definition of pre-Poisson algebras is proposed, combining structures of pre-Lie and zinbiel algebra on the same vector space. It is shown that a pre-Poisson algebra gives rise to a Poisson algebra by passing to the corresponding Lie and commutative products. Analogs of basic constructions of Poisson algebras (through deformations of commutative algebras, or from filtered algebras whose associated graded algebra is commutative) are shown to hold for pre-Poisson algebras. The Koszul dual of pre-Poisson algebras is described. It is explained how one may associate a pre-Poisson algebra to any Poison algebra equipped with a Baxter operator, and a dual pre-Poisson algebra to any Poisson algebra equipped with an averaging operator. Examples of this construction are given. It is shown that the free zinbiel algebra (the shuffle algebra) on a pre-Lie algebra is a pre-Poisson algebra. A connection between the graded version of this result and the classical Yang–Baxter equation is discussed.

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