
AbstractClinical research is a skill that can be honed and cultivated in the right educational environment. Creating experiences to maximize growth and interest in clinical research can occur both during pharmacy school and throughout postgraduate training. The purpose of this “how‐to” guide is to assist pharmacists, as well as their students and residents, with effectively structuring experiences and programs that instill and cultivate a lifelong desire to contribute to the medical literature. The overarching areas of focus are threefold: (1) identifying trainees and mentors, (2) crafting research training experiences, and (3) supporting continued interest and growth in research after completion of the initial experience. Early introduction of a positive research culture in the trainee experience through structured and thoughtful curricula and experiences can maximize learner potential. Several thoughtful steps and recommendations can maximize these experiences and opportunities for learners and new practitioners. Instilling and cultivating a lifelong desire to contribute to the medical literature in pharmacy trainees remains a challenge that is both worthy and necessary to pursue for the sakes of our profession, patients, and trainees.

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