
A growing number of academic librarians have been responsible for scholarly communication (SC) roles and responsibilities, and other related services. Previous studies (Finlay, et al., 2015) show an increase in job opportunities for librarians with SC expertise. Eighty-four percent of the students in the Hollister (2017) study described the SC as either relevant or very relevant to their career goals. However, a recent search (2021) within ALA accredited programs in Library and Information Science (LIS) reveals that only 6 out 48 offer a course in scholarly communication, and no program offered a course on related areas. Given a growing demand for wide range of SC services it is imperative for LIS programs to prepare students for these emerging new roles and responsibilities. To that end, I developed a course on SC and other related concepts based on the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) core competencies for SC librarians and the SC common responsibilities identified in previous studies (Hackstadt, 2020). This study will explore the extent to which the course addresses the core competencies for SC roles and responsibilities. The study will employ a self-assessment survey designed to measure the difference in students’ knowledge pre and post course completion regarding the SC core competencies. The NASIG core competencies for SC librarians align with roles and responsibilities of SC librarians as described in previous studies. Therefore, the focus on NASIG core competencies makes the results from this study broadly useful for instructors of SC courses.

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