
The Spanish norm UNE 66020-1:2001 is equivalent to the international norm ISO 2859-1:1999 and deals with inspection by attributes of lots of material. In order to implement such a norm in a canned marine food factory (which manufactures mainly bluefin tuna in vegetal oil), some preliminary work was carried out. First, a careful study of the production process led to three possible sources of variation in the final weight of the cans produced, namely the canning machine, the cans used and the balance utilized for weighing. Afterward, each of these sources of variation was studied, which resulted in a value of the process average. This average shall enable the responsible authority of the company to set an acceptance quality limit, which should allow the application of the cited norm. PRACTICAL APPLICATION This work is expected to be considered an example of the studies that need to be carried out previously to the implementation of norm UNE 66020-1:2001 (i.e., norm ISO 2859-1:1999). Moreover, an additional point to highlight is the fact that this work is not a simulation but rather, it was developed in a real factory, devoted to the manufacturing of canned marine food. © 2008 The Author(s).

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