
Tools necessary for quantum simulations of $1+1$ dimensional quantum chromodynamics are developed. When formulated in axial gauge and with two flavors of quarks, this system requires 12 qubits per spatial site with the gauge fields included via nonlocal interactions. Classical computations and $D$-wave's quantum annealer advantage are used to determine the hadronic spectrum, enabling a decomposition of the masses and a study of quark entanglement. Color ``edge'' states confined within a screening length of the end of the lattice are found. IBM's seven-qubit quantum computers, ibmq_jakarta and ibm_perth, are used to compute dynamics from the trivial vacuum in one-flavor QCD with one spatial site. More generally, the Hamiltonian and quantum circuits for time evolution of $1+1$ dimensional $SU({N}_{c})$ gauge theory with ${N}_{f}$ flavors of quarks are developed, and the resource requirements for large-scale quantum simulations are estimated.

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