
Preparation techniques are given for making permanent or nonpermanent microscope slides of the mosquitoes and the blackflies (Diptera: Culicidae: Simuliidae). We mention here only those that we have personally found to be most satisfactory in the order to further study the morphology of dipterans. These techniques are required for a detailed examination of the diagnostic characters of mosquitoes and blackflies, as a result, to correctly identify the specimens. First, the general stages of processing specimens are considered, then the specifics for making permanent or nonpermanent microscope slides are given (in glycerin, Canadian balsam and euparal). Preparation techniques of larvae and adults (males and females) of mosquitoes and blackflies, as well as blackfly pupae, are discussed in detail, because these processes differ in each group and in each stage of the life cycle. Moreover, we give the technique for damaged material (i.e., as a result of loss of fixing fluid). For the first time, the description of diagnostic characters that are lost during the preparation is considered in detail. We have specified the structures of blackfly larvae, pupae and adults, whose characters must be described before making permanent microscope slides. We consider that some structures (i.e., the male genitalia of fam. Culicidae and Simuliidae) should be pre-examined on nonpermanent microscope slides, and then permanent slides can be made.

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