
The article characterizes the stage of preparation of one of the first constituent parts of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire — a code regulating civil relations of the subjects of the Russian Empire in the XIX century — in the conditions of unstable foreign policy situation. The purpose of the research is to study the domestic experience of systematization of legal norms regulating property and personal non-property relations. Comparative-legal and historical-legal methods are applied in the study. The possibility of using the domestic experience in the development of legal technique in solving the issues of codification of Russian legislation taking into account national traditions has been proved. The position that when drawing up the plan of systematization of the Russian legislation, in particular civil-law norms, M. M. Speransky not only took into account the peculiarities of the development of national law, but also used legal precedent, fixing it in the general legal system in the form of a rule of law is substantiated.

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