
This article examines the application of experience on preparing a research report based on the field explorations carried out on the territory of military operations of the period of the Great Patriotic War. The object of this research is the conduct of exploration works in the area of the Mountain Gankashvaara, the Kestenga direction of the Karelian Front since 1941 until 1944, which has not yt been studied by the historical science. Special attention is give to studying the theory, practice and legal status of exploration worlds of the detachments of the Russian Federation, distinctive features such type of works in relation to archaeological explorations, as well as the possibility of application of the experience of exploration work as a research mechanism for historical science. The relevance of this article is defined by the importance and need for application of scientific experience of preparing a research report in exploration works for the purpose of preserving the history of the Great Patriotic War in the historical memory of Russia. The questions are raised pertaining to commemoration of the defenders of the Homeland and perpetuating the memory of heroes. The article describes the practical experience of the authors in the field of search and perpetuation of the memory of the defenders of the Homeland, who died or have gone missing during the Great Patriotic War, as well as in analysis of the records and materials for continuing the research activity in this sphere.

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