
Neutron activation is a very important and widely used method for the determination of reactor neutron flux and energy spectra. To optimize this technique a high purity and repetitive source of materials should be established. At the present time ORNL can supply flux and spectra monitors of 45Sc, 235U, 237Np, 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Pu of purities greater than 99.4% in isotopic enrichment and in most cases greater than 99.9%. These monitors, encapsulated in 99.995%pure vanadium, when shipped have been leak tested to <10 −4cm 3/sec and oven tested to 800 °C, microscopically examined for flaws, marked for identification, and the amounts of fissionble materials contained therein are known to <±0.5%. The contamination on the outside of the capsule is <3 dis/min alpha. The plutonium monitors are doubly encapsulated while all other materials are contained in a single capsule.

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