
The paper presents method of clustering and grouping the university performance indicators to prepare an integral rating of Russian regions by the level of university involvement in innovative development of Russian regions. The following problems that require the management influence of state structures are considered: the role of the research base of regional universities in strengthening the innovative potential of regions, the degree of involvement of universities in the innovative regional space.The aim of the study is to develop a rating system for Russian regions according to the degree of university involvement in innovative development using mathematical tools and an intelligent data processing system. The main hypothesis of the article is the existence of a link between regional innovative development and the effectiveness of university contributions. The mathematical approach involves the consideration and multidimensional ranking of the main groups of university performance indicators in order to obtain cluster classifications within each of the problems posed. The solution to the problems is to build a barometer of innovation activity in the form of a multi-purpose problem-oriented rating.Materials and methods. An approach is applied that includes the assessment and multidimensional ranking of the contribution of universities using groups of integral indices created on the basis of aggregation of several important indicators of the university’s activity. Computational experiments were conducted according to the data of the Ministry of Education and Science for the regions of Russia and regional universities. 16 indicators of Russian regions for 2016 are considered.Results and discussion. The ranking and comparison of universities according to the degree of involvement in the innovative development of the region was performed using an indicator model and aggregation depending on the target problem. Quantitative indicators of the quality of university’s activities by regions are obtained, which allow us to obtain an integral rating of Russian regions by the level of university involvement. Unlike other approaches, the author’s method includes three components, which are independent integral indexes and indicate the level of involvement of universities in regional innovative development. Statistical data on the leading indicators of Russian universities for 2016 were processed. The methodology Science-model with three factors - the model with regrouping, named by the author A-B-C, showed the high potential of Russian universities to balance their regional demand as management research centers.Conclusion. The results of the study are compared with the ratings of the well-known agencies. The author hopes that soon Russia will have a reliable scientometric system at the level of rating universities on their involvement in the innovative development of Russia, such a rating will be an indisputable argument in favor of financing regional universities. The author laid down a high requirement: compliance with the three models, only in this case, regional universities can receive funding from the municipality, after redistribution from the center. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully choose universities in which projects will receive development and perspective. Regional authorities must meet the requirements to receive the necessary investments in promising projects. The scientific potential and demand for theoretical research for their full application at all enterprises, the combination of theoretical science and practical implementation will reduce the cost of stabilizing outdated technologies in all areas of knowledge and use the experience of older generations and the strength of young people for high-tech production growth in Russia. Therefore, the results of the study will be useful to federal authorities and financial and credit organizations that provide financing.


  • The paper presents method of clustering and grouping the university performance indicators to prepare an integral rating of Russian regions by the level of university involvement in innovative development of Russian regions

  • The aim of the study is to develop a rating system for Russian regions according to the degree of university involvement in innovative development using mathematical tools and an intelligent data processing system

  • The ranking and comparison of universities according to the degree of involvement in the innovative development of the region was performed using an indicator model and aggregation depending on the target problem

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Рассмотрим основные школы, в рамках которых получила сильное развитие проблематика наукометрического оценивания степени влияния университетов на инновационное развитие региональных систем. В указанных работах впервые получены статистические показатели для оценки патентной активности как важного фактора инновационного развития вузов. Исследования основаны на анализе динамики широкого объёма эмпирических данных и оценке корреляций между объемами финансирования вузов и результатами трансфера университетских разработок. Для определения и оценки влияния университета на региональное инновационное развитие в зарубежных исследованиях выделяются структурные факторы, определяющие влияние университета на процесс инновационного развития, рассматривается корреляция между объемами финансирования университетов и их результатами по измеримым показателям: количеству научного персонала, количеству патентов, уровню продаж университетских разработок, объему затрат на научные исследования, количеству защит диссертаций; количеству ежегодно издаваемых научных статей; численности выпускников вузов. Что такой подход не только сужает цель исследования, но также требует вносить многочисленные допущения в модель, чтобы учесть влияние всех важных региональных университетов. Результаты настоящего исследования являются новыми и не имеют аналогов в российской и зарубежной практике

Систематизация и анализ
Модель агрегирования
Результаты вычислительных экспериментов по всем вузам и регионам России
Рекомендации по уровню вовлечённости вузов в инновационное развитие региона
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