
Skeletons are the archetypal image of anatomy and necessary for re- search ranging from phylogenic in- vestigations to age and growth to functional morphology. A quick and efficient technique wasappliedto prepare completely cleared and natural white shining skeleton of In- dian lion was done in Chittagong zoo for exhibition. After death of the lion of this zoo,the carcasswasblunt- lydefleshed,segmented of the body stored in 10% solution of soda water for 1 month and after complete cleaning, the bony segments dipped into 10-20% solution of bleaching water for 2 days and then washed in tap water and after complete sundry, the bony segments were articulated for raising skeleton. This modifiedand efficient method of preparing skeleton by quick method was very gleaming natural white and this skeleton now kept in a temporary museum of zoo which becomes interesting tools for visi- tors especially for children.

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