
2D materials have various properties which make them potential candidates for better applications in electronic, chemical and biosensing devices. It is certain that so much work have previously been done on 2D materials. However, the aim of this study is to fabricate a material with a better quality that could create room for greater opportunities in electronic, chemical and biosensing devices. This fabrication was performed through exfoliation, and wet chemical means or PVD layer deposition technique. Furthermore, the current state of the electronics industry has necessitated the need for a novel and suitable memory for low cost and large scale flexible electronics materials. These materials should be non-volatile and low-power consuming devices because energy is of global concern. The non-volatility nature and the energy consuming ability of the finally fabrication was investigated from the current vs time curve in order to obtain the energy retention time. After the fabrication of the electronics material, various characterisations were performed on the devices; stability and endurance level was tested from the current vs cycle numbers of the curves. The rationale for these experiments is to take advantage of the Van der Waals multilayer force present in-between the layers of the two-dimensional (2D) materials to form a material with a desirable atomic and accurate quality. The outcome shows improve 2D memeristive material required to address most challenges experienced by electronic devices, particularly in the multilayer thin film. The result shows performance improvement of the memristors by raising the switching endurance at an elevated temperature of 300 oC and above. Finally, the mechanical flexibility and stability together with its endurance level were tested.

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