
Due to the good hydrophobicity and chemical resistance of poly(ethylene trifluoroethylene) (ECTFE), it has been an attractive potential material for microfiltration, membrane distillation and more. However, few porous hydrophobic ECTFE membranes were prepared by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) for membrane condenser applications. In this work, the diluent, di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP), was selected to prepare the dope solutions. The calculated Hassen solubility parameter indicated that ECTFE has good compatibility with DnOP. The corresponding thermodynamic phase diagram was established, and it has been mutually verified with the bi-continuous structure observed in the SEM images. At 30 wt% ECTFE, the surface contact angle and liquid entry pressure reach their maximum values of 139.5° and 0.71 MPa, respectively. In addition, some other basic membrane properties, such as pore size, porosity, and mechanical properties, were determined. Finally, the prepared ECTFE membranes were tested using a homemade membrane condenser setup. When the polymer content is 30 wt%, the corresponding results are better; the water recovery and condensed water yield is 17.6% and 1.86 kg m−2 h−1, respectively.


  • Membrane contactors are membrane systems designed to achieve contact between two phases

  • As for the ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer (ECTFE), the fluorine content can be up to about 40%, which contributes to its good hydrophobicity and is even better than polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)

  • ECTFE membranes are usually prepared by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) at a relatively high temperature

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Membrane contactors are membrane systems designed to achieve contact between two phases. ECTFE has excellent chemical corrosion resistance against acid, alkali, oxidant, and reducing and corrosive agents It has a significant advantage over the non-alkali-resistant PVDF, though the membrane formation property of the latter is easier. ECTFE membranes are usually prepared by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) at a relatively high temperature. The membranes prepared by TIPS have a narrower pore size distribution and higher mechanical properties than those prepared by non-solvent-induced phase separation [29,30]. The TIPS method is used to prepare ECTFE hydrophobic flat sheet membranes using DnOP. TThhee pprreeppaarreedd mmeemmbbrraanneess wweerree cchhaarraacctteerriizzeedd aanndd aannaallyyzzeedd ccoonncceerrnniinngg mmoorrpphhoollooggyy,, ccoonnttaacctt aannggllee,, lliiqquuiidd eennttrryy pprrooppeerrttiieess. FFiinnaallllyy,, tthhee pprreeppaarreedd EECCTTFFEE pprreessssuurree,, ppoorree ssiizzee,, ppoorroossiittyy,, aanndd mmeemmbbrraanneess wweerree tteesstteedd uunnddeerr tthhee mmmmeeeeccmmhh4aabbonnrrfaaii1ccnn4aaeell ccoonnddeennsseerr pprroocceessss ttoo ddeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee ddeehhuummiiddiiffiiccaattiioonn ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee,, wwhhiicchh ccaann bbee aannaa--. These measurements were conducted three times for each sample, the procedures of which can be found in our previous study [16,17]

Phase Diagram
Membrane Condenser
Mechanical Properties of ECTFE Membrane
24 Tensile strength
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