
The present study entitled “Preparation of antioxidant rich healthy beverages by using pineapple juice and guava leaves extract flavoured with herbs (mint)” was undertaken to analyse the antioxidant content of prepared beverages. Two beverages were prepared using pineapple juice, guava leaf extract, herbs extract and dates and to calculate the antioxidant composition of the prepared beverages. The recipes was prepared namely; “pineapple based beverage incorporated with guava leaf extract, mint extract, dates”, using the standard ingredients and method of preparation. The five treatments were T0(pineapple juice 92%and dates8%), T1(pineapple juice-88%, guava leaf extract-2%, mint 2% /basil 2 %, dates-8%), T2(pineapple juice-84%, guava leaf extract-4%, mint 4%/ basil 4%), dates 8%), T3(pineapple juice-80%, guava leaf extract-6%, mint 6%/ basil 6%), dates 8%), T4(pineapple juice-76%, guava leaf extract-8%, mint 8%/ basil 8%), dates 8%), T5(pineapple juice-72%, guava leaf extract-10%, mint 10 %/basil 10 %), dates 8 %). The prepared beverages were organoleptically evaluated for the colour, consistency, taste and flavour and overall acceptability using Nine Point Hedonic Scale and the best treatment was selected. Pineapple based beverages incorporated with guava leaf extract, mint extract, dates was the best among the one beverages. The nutritional compositions of the beverages were evaluated through chemical analysis. The total carbohydrate content ranged from 22-24.25g/100 ml, energy content ranged from 98.45–104.7Kcal/100ml, vitamin C content ranged from 29.89 – 31 mg/100ml, total polyphenol content ranged from 131.47 – 225.48mg/100ml, the highest being in beverage flavoured with mint , total flavonoids content ranged between 147 – 293.58 mg/100ml, the highest being in beverage flavoured . It was concluded from the study that the beverages formulated using guava leaves extract, herbal extract, dates improves the total Polyphenol and total flavonoid content of the prepared beverages in addition to the fact that guava leaf , mint has several other therapeutic benefits.

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