
In order to prepare pure nordstrandite of aluminum hydroxide, gelatinous aluminum hydroxides prepared from aqueous solutions of chloride or nitrate of aluminum on the addition of alkali such as aqueous solutions of sodium or ammonium hydroxides are aged under different conditions for a given period at a selected temperature: the precipitates are aged in the mother liquors; the precipitates are washed by water and then aged in ammonia liquors or aqueous solutions of ethylenediamine. As the result, it is found that generally nordstrandite is not formed by the ageing in the mother liquor except for the addition of ethylenediamine as an alkaline solution; nordstrandite is formed as a mixture of bayerite and/or hydrargillite by the ageing in ammonia liquor, and pure nordstrandite is formed by ageing in aqueous solutions of ethylendiamine.

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