
Since the inception of the program for with Advanced Standing in 1954, the Central High School of Philadelphia, a public academic high school admitting boys with better-thanaverage ability from all parts of the city, has participated in this experiment. The Advanced Placement Program is designed to give additional stimulus to the gifted, so that they will do college-type work in high school, and, in so doing, be able to broaden and perhaps accelerate their undergraduate studies. In 1956 this program, until then known as the School and College Study of Admission with Advanced Standing, was taken over by the College Entrance Examination Board. An enlightening article explaining the scope of the program appeared two years ago in this journal.' As a member of the Committee of German Examiners I represented the public schools for the past three years. The purpose of this article is to interest other secondary school teachers of German in the Advanced Placement Program. Perhaps this can best be done by explaining the procedures which I have been following at Central High School. These procedures may not be perfect but they may offer useful hints which might stimulate colleagues to try this type of preparation in their own schools.2 Especially now, when the pendulum seems to be swinging in the direction of more thorough preparation in academic subjects, exceptional performance in high school may find appreciation. Three things are necessary to start and maintain the Advanced Placement Program in German: 1. At least one very capable and willing student 2. Certain books by authors listed in the syllabus3

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