The ammonia sensing properties of single-layer graphene synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were studied. The Au interdigitated electrode (IDE) was prepared by microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, and then, the single-layer graphene was transferred to the IDE by wet transfer technology. Raman spectroscopy was used to monitor the quality of graphene films transferred to SiO2/Si substrates. Moreover, the theory of graphene’s adsorption of gases is explained. The results show that gas sensing characteristics such as response/recovery time and response are related to the target gas, gas concentration, test temperature, and so on. In the stability test, the difference between the maximum resistance and the minimum resistance of the device is 1 ohm without ammonia, the change is less than 1% of its initial resistance, and the repeatability is up to 98.58%. Therefore, the sensor prepared with high quality single-layer graphene has good repeatability and stability for ammonia detection.
Ammonia is a colorless toxic gas with a pungent odor, which is harmful to human health
According to the sensors category, commonly used ammonia detectors can be divided into infrared ammonia detectors, semiconductor ammonia detectors, and electrochemical ammonia detectors [4]
The carrier mobility of single-layer graphene at room
Ammonia is a colorless toxic gas with a pungent odor, which is harmful to human health. The parameters were as follows: power of 200 W, time of 2 min, and the carrier gas transferred to the surface of the IDE (Figure 2g). After that, it was dried at room temperature for 20 min and at 70 °C for 30 min to remove surface moisture, cooled to room temperature. .IIttccaann bbee sseeeenn ffrroomm tthhee ffiigguurree tthhaatt tthhee ssiinnggllee--llaayyeerr ggrraapphheennee iissnnoottaaflfaltatplpalnaenebebceacuasuesseinsginleg-llea-ylaeyr egrragprahpenheeniseaisfraagfrilaegmileatmeraiatel,rwiahl,icwhhwicihll wleialldletaodfotoldfsolidnstihnetpheropcreoscseossf torfatnrsafnesrf.erT.hTehRe aRmamananspspecetcrturummoof fththeessaammpplleewwaass oobbttaaiinneedd uussiinngg aa 551144 nnmm llaasseerr wwiitthh aa ssppoott ssiizzee ooffaabboouutt22μμmm..IIttccaannbbeesseeeennfrfroommththeeppicicttuurreetthhaatttthheessppeeccttrruummiissmmaaiinnllyy ccoommppoosseeddooff RRaammaann ppeeaakkss ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ttoo tthhee GG bbaanndd ((11557799 ccmm−−11)) aanndd 22DD bbaanndd ((22669922 ccmm−−11))[[3300]],, aannddtthhee22DDppeeaakkssoofftthheeggrraapphheennee aarree sshhaarrpp aanndd ssyymmmmeettrriiccaall wwiitthh aa ppeerrffeecctt LLoorreennttzziiaann.
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