
In India the traditional system of medicine is in practice from the ancient times for the treatment of several diseases. Due to lack of standardization or purity of herbal drugs some effective drugs are not regularly used for the treatment which is a major drawback for the herbal sector and pharma industries. That is why the standardization techniques for herbal drugs are required to be developed and make a bond with the main science health stream. There are certain preliminary guidelines given by CCRAS (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha) for the standardization of these herbal drugs. Standardization of herbal formulations is a prime requirement for the establishment of the good quality of such herbal drugs. The present paper report the preparation and standardization of a poly herbal formulation which contain Syzygium aromaticum (flower buds), Myristica fragrans (seeds), Piper longum (fruit), Zingiber officinale (rhizome), Piper nigrum (fruit). This “Vrihatsamsharkar” churna poly herbal formulation is used in the treatment of dry cough. Following parameters like microscopy, macroscopy, ash value, extractive value, water soluble ash, bulk density, tapped density, Hausner ratio, Carr’s index, moisture content, swelling index and preliminary tests are calculated and discussed in this paper. These are certain important parameters which are necessarily required for the authentication of any herbal drug or any herbal formulation.

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