
Medicinal herbs are the local heritage with gl obal importance. They have curative properties due to presence of various complex chemical substance s of different composition, which are fo und as plant secondary metabolites in one or more parts of these plants. Navakarshi ka Kashaya is one of such poly herbal preparation which is mainly indicated in Kushta, Vatarakta , Kapala kushta , Pama, Raktamandala etc . skin diseases . In spite of so many i ndications it is difficult to admi nister it in daily practice due to its as tringent and bitter taste along with short s h elf life. So here an attempt was made to prepare the Ghana from K ashaya without altering its therapeutic properties for the convenience of patients . The objective of this study wa s to prepare and carry out the phytochemical evaluation of Navakarshika K ashaya and its Ghana. C ollection of the raw drugs, preparation of Kashaya and Ghana were done from GMP certified Pharmacy and subjected to T LC, physicochemical and phytochemical analysis from AYUSH approved Central Research Facility . Phytochemical constituents that are proteins, reducing sugars, mono saccharides, pentose sugars, glycosides, cardiac glycosides, saponin, flavonoids, and steroids were found in both forms . Kashaya showed three different R f values in day light but it was absent i n Ghana. In Short and long wavelengths both forms have same numbers but different R f values. Ghana can be taken as alternative form of kashaya which is havi ng a better shelf life, easy for packaging and convenient for dosing.

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