
Mehakulanthaka Rasa ( M KR ) is a herbo mineral compound used in the management of Diabetes mellitus . The formulation is mentioned in one of the latest classics, Bhaishajyaratnavali . It is prepared by the trituration of Abhra ka Bhasma , Vanga Bhasma, Parada, Gandhaka , Shilajatu and around 15 herbal in gredients . Till date no standards are available for the above drug . Consideri n g this fact an attempt wa s made to validate the pharmaceutical preparation of Mehakulanthaka Rasa and at the same time develop the analytical profile of the drug by assess ing its organoleptic as well as physico chemical parameters including hardness, disintegration time, pH, loss on drying, ash value etc . It was found that the formulation was having a pH o f 3 . 90 , hardness 3 . 5 to 4 . 0 kg / cm 2 and disintegration time 60 . 0 min to 65 . 0 min while the p h y tochemical analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids , coumarins etc. in the sample .

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