
The current study aimed to manufacture healthy biscuits by replacing local wheat flour (Bhouhouth class 22) Wheat flour 80% extraction rates (soft) with germinated wheat flour and germinated pumpkin seeds flour in the following proportions (5% germinated wheat flour and 5% germinated pumpkin flour) treatment A2 and (10% germinated wheat flour and 10 % germinated pumpkin flour) treatment A3, (15% germinated wheat flour and 15% germinated pumpkin flour) treatment A4 and (20% germinated wheat flour and 20% germinated pumpkin flour) treatment 5A respectively, in addition to the control treatment A1 (non- germinated wheat flour). The results of the chemical analysis showed an increase in the percentages of moisture, protein, Fat, ash and fiber in the different biscuit treatments compared to the control treatment and a decrease in the percentage of carbohydrates. The results showed an increase in the values of zinc, iron, phosphor, potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium for the manufactured biscuits. The results also showed an increase in Fatty acids palmtic, stearic, oleic and linolenic to (18.57, 16.26, 58.3,72.78) mg/100gm for A4treatment, as for amino acids, no values of aspartic acid were observed in the control treatment, which amounted to 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1 for each of the treatments A2,A3,A4 respectively. Also, the values of vitamin C in all biscuit treatments increased to (3.6, 5.2, 6.7) mg/100g, respectively, after it was 2.4 mg/100g in the control treatment, and the sensory evaluation showed that the treatment of A2, A3, and A4 was significantly (p<0.05) superior to A1 treatment (control); as for A5treatment, it got the lowest scores in the sensory evaluation due to the appearance of bitterness in the taste due to the polyphenols that became apparent when the replacement percentages increased, so it was excluded. As for the diffusion rate of biscuits, it increased with the increase in the replacement rates to reach the highest percentage for A5 treatment, which amounted to 7.4 compared to the control treatment 6.5, and through these results, it can be said that the biscuits produced are healthy biscuits due to their high content of the required nutrients.

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