
The reaction route 64Ni(p,n)64Cu is very popular for the preparation of 64Cu because its entrance channel is accessible at low energies and yield of reaction is quite high. However, a high price of the enriched 64Ni is a disadvantage of this reaction path; hence, preparation of a chemically pure nickel targets for the production of 64Cu using COSTIS (Compact Solid Target Irradiation System) is of a great research interest. In this paper, effects of boric acid, composition of electrolytic bath and electrochemical process conditions on the quality of nickel films deposited on 2 mm thick gold or platinum disc targets were investigated. Chemical purity of the electrodeposited nickel was measured by the Auger electron spectroscopy and the surface quality of targets was studied microscopically (SEM). A SRIM program was used for a thickness target calculation. COSTIS target station was installed at the end of the external beam line of the IBA Cyclone 18/9 cyclotron, and the irradiation surface of target was optimized. The target station has been equipped with Al or Nb window foil in the front of the target to degrade the beam energy to an optimal value.

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