
The vast majori ty of patients tolerate clamping of the carotid artery, wi thout signs of cerebral ischaemia. There is no doubt , however , that a subgroup of pat ients exists wi th insufficient collateral circulation w h o will develop ischaemia wi thout protect ive measures , and this is seen most clearly in those patients w h o undergo carotid endar te rec tomy u n d e r local anaesthesia, 10-15% of w h o m have clinical signs of ischaemia when the carotid ar tery is c lamped (Table 1). Similar figures are seen wi th electroencephalogram (EEG) recording w h e n the operat ion is pe r fo rmed u n d e r general anaesthesia, and in cases wi th contralateral occlusion, some 20-25% will have signs of hypoper fus ion dur ing clamping. Even though few of these patients will develop a stroke w h e n the operat ion is per formed wi thout a shunt ,

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