
A 70-year-old Jehovah's Witness was treated with iron carboxymaltose intravenously, recombinant human erythropoietin alpha subcutaneously, and vitamin B12 and folate orally for 9 weeks to raise hemoglobin (Hb) from 10.8 to 17.0 g/dL before explantation of an infected hip joint prosthesis. The target Hb was calculated from the following formula: Hbtarget = Hbfinal/(1 - ABL/EBV), where Hbtarget= Hb to achieve before surgery, Hbfinal = lowest Hb patient could tolerate taking into consideration his comorbidities (7 g/dL), ABL = volume of blood the surgeon estimated the patient would lose intra- and postoperatively (3000 mL), and EBV = estimated blood volume (75 mL/kg for an adult man). Spinal anesthesia was provided with a single shot hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl. Acute hypervolemic hemodilution was achieved with lactated Ringer's solution and hydroxyethyl starch. To further minimize blood loss, controlled hypotension to a mean blood pressure of 55 mm Hg was achieved with a propofol infusion and tranexamic acid was administered. Surgical blood loss was estimated to be 2500 mL. Hb at the end of surgery was 13.3 g/dL; on postoperative day 5, 11.7 g/L. No blood products were utilized.

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