
ABSTRACT: We report the case of a 37-year old primigesta, primipara (IGIP) patient with a singleton, naturally obtained pregnancy, diagnosed with type I diabetes mellitus from the age of three, carrier of an insulin pump for 11 years. The patient was diagnosed in adolescence with with a tumor of the ischio-rectal fossa with multiple attempts of excision which failed due to the particular situation of the tumor. Ultrasound examination diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy a voluminous right ovarian cystic tumor. The patient presented pregnancy-induced hypertension starting with 28 gestational weeks. Maternal-fetal and obstetric management assumed sequential ultrasound examination, ovarian tumor and maternal blood pressure drug control, and also the surgical management of the ischio-rectal tumor. Cesarean section was performed at 38 gestational weeks, outcoming with a live fetus, normal weight, good neonatal progression and favorable postoperative progression of the mother. In this case report, we emphasize the fact that in pregestational diabetes mellitus and pregnancy-induced hypertension, constant glycemic control, performed by the insulin pump, prior and during gestation, and the maternal blood pressure control are essential for maternal-fetal outcome.

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