
Exposure to different stressors in utero is linked to adult diseases such as obesity and hypertension. In this study, the impact of prenatal infection (PNI) on adult body weight and cardiovascular function was evaluated using a naturally occurring rodent pathogen, Mycoplasma pulmonis (MP). Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were infected with MP on gestationalday 14 and gave birth naturally. Adult PNI offspring weighed more than controls, but resting mean arterial pressure (MAP) was unchanged. Subcutaneous injection of angiotensin II (10 μg/kg) elicited a rise in MAP that was greater in both male and female PNI offspring compared with controls (P < 0.03). The accompanying reflex bradycardia was similar to the controls, suggesting that PNI induced baroreflex dysfunction. Subcutaneous nicotine administration, a potent cardiorespiratory stimulus, also elicited a transient rise in MAP that was generally greater in the PNI group, but the change in MAP from baseline was only significant in the PNI females compared with controls (P < 0.03). Elevated body weight and cardiovascular reactivity in the PNI offspring was associated with an increase in the ratio of hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptors type 1 to type 2 gene expression in both sexes compared with controls. These findings support previous studies demonstrating that PNI induces alterations in cardiovascular function and body weight. Yet, unlike previous studies utilizing other models of PNI (e.g., endotoxin), MP PNI did not induce resting hypertension. Thus, our study provides a foundation for future studies evaluating the cardiovascular risks of offspring exposed to microbial challenges in utero.

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