
The fetal alcohol syndrome is a clinical conndition that affects newborns from alcoholic mothers. It is not clear, however, whether ethanol consumption during gestation can affect liver functions of fetuses and newborns. In this study, we aimed to assess the effects of ethanol administration on body weight, liver energy level, and antioxidant status of mothers, fetuses, and newborns. Pregnant rats were exposed to ethanol during the third week of gestation. Body weight, survival, and liver concentration of gluthatione (GSH) and adenosintriphophate (ATP) were measured. No differences were observed in body weight or in liver ATP and GSH between mothers exposed to ethanol and control animals. Conversely, fetuses from rats exposed to ethanol showed a marked decrease in GSH, ATP, and body weight when compared to those from control rats. Newborns exposed prenatally to ethanol were no different from those born to control mothers. This study suggests that an amount of ethanol that is not sufficient to determine a significant effect on mothers can, nevertheless, cause a marked decrease in growth and in liver antioxidant and energy status in fetuses. These parameters, however, return to control value one week after ethanol discontinuation.

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