
(Abstracted from Lancet 2019;393:747–757) Fetal structural anomalies, detected by ultrasonography, have a range of genetic causes, including chromosomal aneuploidy, copy number variations (CNVs), and pathogenic sequence variants in developmental genes. Conventional prenatal cytogenetic analysis was historically the first-line method to investigate these anomalies, but chromosomal microarray analysis has been adopted more recently, as this test is able to detect smaller, but significant, CNVs.


  • 3% of pregnancies will show a fetal structural anomaly in a sonogram, which can range from a single minor defect to severe multisystem anomalies that are fatal.[1]

  • The cohort was recruited between Oct 22, 2014, and June 29, 2017, and clinical data were collected until March 31, 2018

  • To estimate the number of eligible cases that were excluded from whole-exome sequencing (WES), a retrospective review of 564 eligible fetuses revealed that 134 (23·8%) samples were not sent for WES because of an abnormal quantitative fluorescence-PCR analysis (n=97) or chromosomal microarray (n=37) finding

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3% of pregnancies will show a fetal structural anomaly in a sonogram, which can range from a single minor defect to severe multisystem anomalies that are fatal.[1] Genetic investigations are important in the evaluation and clinical triage of fetal structural anomalies. For more than 30 years, conventional prenatal cytogenetic analysis was the first-line method to investigate these anomalies but, within the last 10 years, chromosomal microarray analysis has been increasingly adopted to detect submicroscopic pathogenic copy number varia­ tions (CNVs) in prenatal diagnoses.[2,3] The addition of chromosomal microarray testing to karyotyping increases the frequency of detection of chromosomal abnormalities by 3–5%.2–4. There is increasing interest in genome-wide sequencing strategies to investigate prenatally detected congenital abnormalities. Prenatal whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has previously been described,[5] but whole-exome sequencing (WES) and targeted gene panels have received more interest because of their lower cost, the lower amounts of fetal DNA required, the possibility of com­ paratively more rapid turnaround, and greater sequencing depth.[6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13] We previously used WES in 29 fetal-parental trios

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