
Many booklets and standards have already been published on classroom acoustics in several countries, based on studies that were completed up to ten years ago and which were mainly focused on the speech intelligibility of pupils under noisy conditions. In the last decade many studies began to consider the complex speech communication scenario in classrooms, where acoustic requirements are needed for both teachers and pupils. The voice monitoring of teachers has revealed challenging conditions for speaking because of bad acoustics, with consequences on vocal health. Research has underlined the importance of voice support from the room, which has led us to reconsider the optimal reverberation time in classrooms, whose tendency is towards higher values than those for listening. On the other hand, it has been proven that a high reverberation increases the listening effort and decreases reading abilities. Thus, the question of the optimal reverberation time for speaking and listening arises, as well as the need to optimize the design of classrooms to support the voice and control the sound tail. The perceived reverberation is closely related to the perceived acoustical quality, which is recognized as the most important environmental aspect in classrooms. Reverberation also amplifies the noise produced by pupils themselves and affects their well-being. To cope with this, a new device has been introduced to inform pupils on the need to lower their voices and respect others. A summary of the state of the art of classroom acoustics is given in this lecture, together with the new findings on the effects of bad acoustics on pupils' learning and well-being and on teachers' vocal behaviour. A new paradigm on speech communication is needed in classrooms that should involve both teaching and learning. Further work is required to investigate the factors that underpin this complex communication scenario.

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