
IntroductionPrevotella species (i. e. P. intermedia, P. nigrescens, P. pallens, P. oris) are usually responsible for abscesses of head and neck spaces after dental procedures. P. intermedia – related infective endocarditis has never been reported. Case ReportA 22-year-old man, with a history of aortic valve replacement 6 years ago, presented with fever and persistent retrosternal chest pain. An empirical antibiotic therapy was started on (cefotaxime, 2gx3 – gentamicin, 5mg/kilo). Five blood cultures were positive at Prevotella Intermedia. Metronidazole was introduced (500mg X 3 by day).The oro-pharyngeal spaces were normal. The evolution was marked by a hypotension, a third degree atrio-ventricular block, and a rapidly growing aortic root abscess complicated this case of Prevotella Intermedia infective endocarditis (IE). Aortic valve redux surgery was performed at day 5 of admission. Post-operative course was unremarkable. ConclusionThis first reported case of Prevotella Intermedia IE presented suggestive features of anaerobic IE as the patient developed both aortic-ring abscess, third degree atrio-ventricular block and hypotension.

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