
Integral benchmark experiments are vital in the adjustment and validation of the nuclear data that govern predictive simulations across the nuclear community. The nuclear data sensitivity capabilities of the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP ®) transport code are currently limited; however, expanding sensitivity capabilities will allow benchmark experiments to be designed to resolve compensating errors and adjust nuclear data where previously prohibitively difficult. This paper provides details of a preliminary verification for the use of (i.) the recently revised perturbation and (ii.) developmental fixed-source sensitivity tools within MCNP to calculate sensitivities of tallied responses (such as current integrated over a surface, F1, and flux averaged over a cell, F4) to nuclear data in fixed-source simulations. Energy-binned and energy-integrated sensitivities calculated with these tools are compared against sensitivities calculated using a central-difference approximation. The verification is completed for four configurations of a benchmarked system using a 4.5-kg plutonium sphere surrounded by varying amounts of copper and/or polyethylene. The results show that sensitivities calculated with the perturbation and fixed-source sensitivity tools agree with the central-difference-based approach.

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