
The use of four cycloadducts from the Katritzky reaction for subsequent preparation of Bao Gong Teng A analogs was studied. We show that the reduction of 2-oxo-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes (1-4) to alcohols allows the 2-exo/endo isomerism to be exploited. The 7-endo compound (4) also yielded azatricyclo[5.2.l.04,8]decanone (12) from alcohol (11). When the nitrile was converted into an acetyl group, 6-endo products (13) and (14) were isornerized to 6-exo. Trimethylsilyloxy derivatives (13-18) ultimately yielded 2-hydroxy-azabicyclooctethanone (22-24). These results afford an approach to the synthesis of the 6-exo 2-endo, 7-exo 2-exo and 7-exo 2-endo isomers of Bao Gong Teng A.

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