
The present study aimed to explain how tinnitus relief following electrical promontory stimulation affects detection of changes in pitch frequency. To determine the effects of tinnitus relief on the auditory system, Japanese words with the same sound but different intonation were used to verify the effects of tinnitus relief on pitch detection in tinnitus patients. Eight out of 11 patients experienced relief of tinnitus following treatment. The averaged number of the ratio in 8 patients with relief of tinnitus, 0.58, was significantly higher (p > 0.02) than that in 3 patients without relief, 0.15. In comparison with averaged hearing level, there was no significant difference in averaged hearing level between 8 patients with relief of tinnitus (52.4 dBSL; SD: 11.4) and 3 without relief of tinnitus (58.0 dBSL; SD: 14.7) (p < 0.68). No significant difference in age between patients with and without relief of tinnitus was observed.

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