
People with anxiety disorders tend to focus on unpleasant and threatening stimuli. Our aims were to evaluate: (1) the presence of paranoid ideation, and the jumping to conclusions (JTC) bias in young suffering from an anxiety disorder and (2) the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioural intervention (CBT) to manage anxiety combined with 2 modules to reduce the JTC bias. Psychopathology, social functioning, metacognition and the JTC bias were investigated in 60 subjects, randomly assigned to the experimental CBT group + treatment-as-usual (TAU) (n = 35) or to a wait-list group (n = 25) receiving only TAU. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups based on the score of the SCL-90 subscale paranoid ideation (high paranoid ideation, HP; low paranoid ideation, LP). The experimental group received a weekly session of a CBT for a 3-month period. At baseline, 46.7% of our sample showed a HP and 38% showed a JTC biasAt the end of the intervention, greater effectiveness in improving anxious symptoms, paranoid ideation, interpersonal sensitivity and interpersonal relationship was reported in the experimental CBT + TAU group, with a statistically significant reduction of the JTC bias, displayed by 14.3% of the experimental group versus the 36% of the TAU group. In the same variables, greater benefits were reported for the HP experimental subgroup. Our study suggests the gains to integrate an anxiety CBT with modules to reduce the JTC bias in subjects with paranoid ideation, which may negatively impact the course of the disease.

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