
This paper aims to describe efforts to disseminate cultural documentation products that have been collected by the Cultural Documentation Center through the Menara Ilmu portal. In the archival perspective, cultural documentation products are an important component for dissemination. The management of cultural documentation products is carried out through the Total Archives approach and the neo-documentation concept. In addition, this study also provides an alternative to the optimization of the dissemination of cultural documentation products through the Culture Documentation Tower Science Project (PDB UGM UGM). The data used in this paper consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through non-participation observations by looking at the Menara Menara Pusat cultural documentation and questionnaires with random sampling. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents through Google forms. The conclusion obtained, namely the optimization of dissemination of cultural products can be implemented through "show ads" publication with an internal and external partnership system ". Thus the existence of cultural documentation and archive products can be optimized and can be a promotional event in the field of archives with the concept of virtual exhibition in accordance with the digital era.

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