
Data on protein requirements of two weight categories of pigs, 4-9kg and 4-28kg, reared under temperate and tropical environments were obtained. These data were used to predict the protein requirement of pigs at different ambient temperature. Models Y1= 156.21 + 0.20(A) +0.79(t) and Y2= 190.25- 1.115(I) + 0.202(t) were derived respectively for animals weighing from 4-9kg and from 4-28kg.when these models were simulated using the simplest 1 simulation program, animals in the tropics weighing from 4-9kg were predicted to require 15.80g kg-1 or 11.11% of protein more than their temperate counterparts. Those weighing from 4-28kg in the tropics were predicted to require 4.04g kg-1 or about 2.0% more of protein than their corresponding counterparts reared under temperate climatic conditions.

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