
The microcalorimeter array for a rhenium experiment (MARE) project aims at the direct and calorimetric measurement of the electron neutrino mass with sub-eV sensitivity. The design is based on large arrays of thermal detectors to study the beta decay of \(^{187}\)Re and the electron capture of \(^{163}\)Ho. One of the activities of the project, MARE 1 in Milan, has started in Milan using one array of 6 \(\times \) 6 silicon implanted thermistors equipped with AgReO\(_4\) absorbers. The purposes of MARE 1 in Milan are to achieve a sensitivity on the neutrino mass of a few eV and to investigate the systematics of \(^{187}\)Re neutrino mass measurements, focusing on those caused by the beta environmental fine structure and the beta spectrum theoretical shape. In parallel, the MARE collaboration is performing an R&D work for producing absorbers embedded with radioactive metal \(^{163}\)Ho. We report here the status of MARE using Re as beta source and the preliminary results obtained with \(^{163}\)Ho.

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