
Gas and gas-condensate were discovered in the Helen Gohlke field area in February, 1950. In October and in the following January, oil was discovered at widely separated locations on the northwest and northeast flanks of the structure. Accumulation is controlled by a large anticlinal uplift, crossed by northeast-striking, gulfward-dipping faults. Combined structural and fault closure amounts to 200 feet. Primary production is from the first well developed Carrizo sand at approximately 8,100 feet. Sand thickness is 58 feet in the discovery well, but averages 45 feet for the field. Secondary production is from a 10-foot sand encountered 15 feet below the main producing sand and from a Yegua sand at 5,350 feet. On August 1, 1951, a total of 27 wells had been completed with a umulative production of more than 300,000 barrels. With a currently estimated ultimate recovery of 30,000,000-50,000,000 barrels, the Gohlke field appears to be one of the best Carrizo-Wilcox oil-field discoveries in southwest Texas to date. End_of_Article - Last_Page 2625------------

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