
AbstractThe two principal variables in the preparation of silage‐the chemical coni‐position of the material ensiled and the nature of the microflora‐were controlled in silages made from simulated crops prepared from microbiological media constituents and subsequently inoculated. The composition was varied to simulate either crops which produce a stable silage, i.e. crops with high dry matter and sugar contents and low nitrogen content and buffering capacity, and those which produce silage which on storage undergoes secondary fermentation, i.c. crops with low dry matter and sugar contents and high nitrogen content and buffering capacity respectively. These materials were ensiled in laboratory silos and subsequently inoculated with microorganism considered as being repre‐ sentative of the types found on forage crops. pH was used as a monitor of fermentation changes and the patterns obtained closely resembled those found when forages of the appropriate composition are ensiled. Varying the inoculum used according to the acid‐producing potential of the component microorganisms resulted in alterations in the pH values obtained. Values were lowest when homo‐ lactic bacteria alone were used, but somewhat higher when a heterolactic bacterium or a yeast was included in the inoculum.

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