
In the current context in which user authentication is the first line of defense against emerging attacks and can be considered a defining element of any security infrastructure, the need to adopt alternative, non-invasive, contactless, and scalable authentication mechanisms is mandatory. This paper presents initial research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of a multi-factor authentication mechanism that combines facial recognition with a fully homomorphic encryption algorithm. The goal is to minimize the risk of unauthorized access and uphold user confidentiality and integrity. The proposed device is implemented on the latest version of the Raspberry Pi and Arduino ESP 32 modules, which are wirelessly connected to the computer system. Additionally, a comprehensive evaluation, utilizing various statistical parameters, demonstrates the performance, the limitations of the encryption algorithms proposed to secure the biometric database, and also the security implications over the system resources. The research results illustrate that the Brakerski–Gentry–Vaikuntanathan algorithm can achieve higher performance and efficiency when compared to the Brakerski–Fan–Vercauteren algorithm, and proved to be the best alternative for the designed mechanism because it effectively enhances the level of security in computer systems, showing promise for deployment and seamless integration into real-world scenarios of network architectures.

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