
The Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE mbH) is responsible for the execution of the German site selection procedure for high-level radioactive waste. The aim is to identify a repository site that ensures the best possible safety for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste for at least one million years. Three potential host rocks are considered for disposal in Germany: rock salt, claystone and crystalline rock. The German site selection procedure consists of three consecutive phases with a continuously increasing level of detail. The first step of phase I served to determine sub-areas based on different geoscientific criteria. In this process 90 suitable areas were identified. The second step of phase I comprises representative preliminary safety assessments to further narrow down the sub-areas (see Figure 1).Figure 1: German Site Selection ProcedureFor these assessments, a preliminary concept and dimensioning of the deep geological repository is required, among other aspects. The primary input data for the preliminary design of the repository are the respective host rock properties, the inventory data of the high-level radioactive waste as well as a preliminary safety concept for the disposal system. Since there are only limited area-specific data available as no exploration is part of this early stage of the selection procedure, a two-stage method has been developed for the determination of the required area of the potential repository, consisting of a host rock specific and a site specific part. The objective of the first, host rock specific stage is to perform an analysis irrespective of the prevailing geological conditions at the considered locations. The aim is to obtain the areal extend of a potential repository as a function of the depth, the initial temperature in the host rock and mechanical properties of the host rock. Another important topic is the assessment of favorable depth ranges of the repository. Within the second stage, the function is used with available site-specific data to obtain the possible size of the repository at this specific site.This contribution will provide an overview of the first stage within the aforementioned methodology for the development of the preliminary design of the repository as part of the representative preliminary safety assessments. 

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